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Contents of the two most recent issues, nos. 92-93:
93 Special Issue: Peter Abelard's Logic and its Network, edited by Caterina Tarlazzi and Heine Hansen
- Caterina Tarlazzi and Heine Hansen, Preface: Peter Abelard’s Logic and its Network
- Sten Ebbesen, Logic — The Foundation of Medieval Philosophy
- Yukio Iwakuma, Boethius’ De syllogismis hypotheticis: Eleventh-Century Emendations of the Text
- Luisa Valente, “Lovers of Wisdom”: Etymology in the Service of Philosophy and Christianity in Peter Abelard’s Writings
- Anne Grondeux, Genus causa speciei in the Glosulae in Priscianum maiorem: An Allusion to the Material Essence Realism of William of Champeaux?
- Laurent Cesalli, Where Does Material Essence Realism Come From? A Speculative Note on Anne Grondeux’s Paper
- Pietro Podolak, Sankt Gallen ms. 134 and the Unpublished Additions to Pseudo-Rabanus super Porphyrium (P3): An Edition of the Text with a Study
- Charles Girard, Generality and What Porphyry Defines. On a Recurring Question in Realist Isagoge Commentaries around 1100
- Heine Hansen, Alberic of Paris on Aristotle’s Categories: Some Fragmentary Evidence
- Irene Binini, Enuntiabilia, Consequences, and Impossible Antecedents. Some New Evidence from ms. Paris BNF, lat. 3713, fols 86r–89v
- Wojciech Wciórka, Further References to the Nominales and Reales in Stephen Langton’s Works
- Hansen, Heine: An Albricanus on the Category of Substance: A Fragment from a Commentary on Aristotle’s Categories in ms Paris, Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal 910, fols 145ra–147rb
- Fredborg, Karin Margareta: William of Conches on Priscian Minor: A Preliminary Edition
- Ebbesen, Sten: Anonymus Parisini 3237: Commentarii in Sophisticos Elenchos fragmentum. An Edition
- Bloch, David: Racism and the Odyssey: Translating the Colour of Odysseus’ Skin